Monday, September 20, 2010

September 20, 2010

Ugh, I'm so tired, but I suppose I must write something so I don't keep people in the dark.

Last week was uneventful until Friday came. Hopefully one would remember Dana - you know, the creepy over-pierced chick that went with us to the concert earlier this month? She has this band, called Eating Spiders, and I suppose it's pretty good. Sure, people come to watch them play and all. I'm just not sure if the random people who come for coffee at her dad's personal Internet cafe' count or not. I mean, people need their cheap coffee in the morning ( assuming they're not getting their fix with a million dollars and a super mocha latte frapuchino heart attack in a cup from Starbucks ) That doesn't mean they came to hear "Eating Spiders" specifically. But hey.

Anyhow, I guess I can admit they're alright. They scream and wail and bang on pots and wear funny clothes when they perform. Thing is, they had some midday show at the cafe' last Friday while Charlie, Cindy, and I were enjoying the last day of the school week by swabbing muck from the hallway floors. Cindy was a stick in the mud; always moping and complaining and casting dirty glances at me. Charlie, though, was beginning to be good company. She told me her friends all thought she was mad for talking to me after what she said I did to her. They, like me, even questioned her new change of face. I've come to live with it, but still, I'm suspicious.

Anyways, Charlie had ideas of her own that day. At her suggestion, the two of us snuck out of the school the first moment we could, when the janitor supervising us announced that he had to take a piss. Maybe locking him in the staff bathroom with a chair was too far, but we sure got a kick out of it. I bet we got a couple minute's head start before Cindy Hayes got all high and mighty and let him loose.

At the cafe', Charlie and I got some oatmeal cookies and became part of a crowd of two as we watched Dana and her band do injustice to the hearing world with their noise.

After that, Charlie had another bright idea. We walked home - it wasn't too far, it is a small, stupid town afterall - and climbed to the tree house in her backyard. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but sitting on top of a tree in a dusty, nine-year-old tree house that hasn't been used and was sagging beneath the branches, is usually not a good idea. I protested, yes I did. I was even about to hop the little wire fence and go home, but something that day had overcome me. Maybe it was the incredibly cheap, incredibly delicious secret ingredients of those oameal cookies. I am ashamed to say that I climbed that damn tree.

I fell soon after. The wooden "floor" did not feel like holding the extra weight and the loose boards cracked, sending my scary ass tumbling all the way to the ground again.

I popped my ankle out of place.

My dad said it was no big deal after he took me to see the doctor, but I swear they must have overlooked something. My foot has swollen to the size of a small cantaloupe. It's purple and bruised and....veiny. My toes look like fat little sausages stuck inside a ball of rancid, radioactive hamburger meet. I can't even put my left shoe on anymore!

Upon request I won't have to go to school until the swelling goes down. ( I know it hurts like nothing else, but I occasionally hit my foot against the edge of my dresser to prolong my newfound vacation time. ) I'm stuck in the house with nothing to do but play video games and draw comics - I'll have to show you guys sometime come to think of it.

I won't let Charlie anywhere near my house anymore. She came to the door, asking my dad if she could see me, but I yelled down from my room upstairs that I wasn't interested. I just don't feel like talking I guess.

- Max

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday, September 14

Today was fairly normal. I'm surprised I haven't gotten suspended from attending school, now that I think about it, but I guess the Assistant Principle and the Counselor must have agreed that my stupid detention sentence was punishment enough.

Cindy didn't come to clean with Charlie and I yesterday, which I thought was extremely unfair. She may have had absolutely nothing to do with the "drama" that was circling the two of us, but the damn bruise on the back of my leg was still smarting and I just had to complain about it.

She almost got off with a suspension herself, but why should she get to stay tucked away in her home while I'm stuck scrubbing toilets and scraping the gum off the bottom of lunch tables? I'm no snitch, but when things have to be put right, I call on myself as that awesome voice of justice.

Now, I don't understand what her problem was today. She kept staring at me like I was about to keel over and grow a third arm out my ass. I asked her  if she had an eye problem, but she didn't seem to have anything to say about that.

Meanwhile, her friend Charlie has been warming up to me. I'm still suspicious of her motives. I have to say, I feel like I've gotten tired of her already. She was the one that started all this crap for me. She got me hooked on her and in return for my niceness and attention, she's lain a whole line of traps and trouble in my path. As of now, that jerk has been blacklisted. I don't care what she says. 

Still, her conversation was good to have in the hours that followed today after school. We talked about how bad our peers looked in their outfits, and how trashy the algebra teacher we shared looked every morning. Her favorite pokemon are the "original ones" - Suirtle and Charmander ( what a poser ) and she loved to listen to singers like Paolo Nutini and Corrine Balley. I don't know why she had the CD in her bag, but she gave it to me to borrow for a while.

Right now I'm listening to 'Put your Records On' by Corrine.

It's quite different from the screaming antics of Kill Hannah and From First To Last, but I like it.

It's nice...


Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Lucky number thirteen.
I cleaned a buttload of bathroom gunk today. The janitors where having a ball watching me complain and gag my lungs out for three hours. Why were they even there anyways? Didn't they have anything better to do?
Seriously. :/

After the first three hours, we get a lunch break right. Honestly, by then I'm not even in the mood to eat for the rest of the week. Somehow I manages to stuff down the turkey sandwich I'd packed for the occasion.

Ugh, I'm so tired right now, I can't even muster up enough sarcasm to do this post any justice.

I just wanted to update because I feel it might brighten my unbelievable crappy day to tell you guys that Charlie apologized to me. She did it in a funny way too, making it seem like it wasn't really her fault at all.

She was sitting beside me at the lone lunch table (a requirement I could tell she didn't really appreciate) and said something like "So, I'm sorry you got your ass handed to you by Cindy Hayes."

I had said nothing, but she went on. Like it was no big deal. She even showed me a video on her iPhone when the vice principle wasn't looking. I admit, it was pretty legit - the angle of the two-second fight was pretty lucky, and I'd gone down in a pretty comical way. Even then as I'd seen that stupid video, I know I winced in pain on the inside just from reliving the moment again. I wonder how long it will take for it to appear on Youtube...

Ugh. The embarrassment is already settling in.

After that, we didn't talk much. I was in no mood to play nice anymore. But I did somehow end up with her number. Her real one this time. She said I was a pretty cool kid - and that I could take a hit like a pro.

I'm hanging out with her this weekend.


Friday, September 10, 2010

September 10, 2010

I'm not quite sure how things ended up like this; with me having to sit in the counselor's office today, beside Charlie and in front of one angry looking Mrs. Mathen. Although contrary to popular belief, Mrs. Mathen is not at all married. She's an old shrew now, and its been said that she has issues living on her own and coping with loss. However Mr. Mathen, now married to some blonde chick with two lovely children, is very far from dead. Our counselor must have decided she'd lovingly hold on to the title of a married woman if she couldn't have the house he took from her. She insists we use her name at all times.

Yeah. Things get around pretty quickly in this town. Your whole life story could probably end up on the front of the newspaper if you're not careful - not because you're interesting in any way, but more likely because there's nothing else to talk about around here...

Jogging back to what's more important here though, I'd like to say that, first of all, I wasn't the one to start these ridiculous rumors about myself, so I had no idea why I was subject to such punishment. Charlie was accused of 'defamation of peers' (as Mathen likes to put it) while I was accused of "unruly behavior". Apparently it is the kind of behavior where you help someone out and take them home so they won't get their asses handed to them - they just couldn't make a new fancy name for it quick enough.

And the only chaos at this school has been directed towards me. Every one of Charlie's little friends can't pass up the chance the to say the nastiest things as I walk down the hallway. So when I punched her friend Cindy Hayes in the throat yesterday morning, I was a little confused at everyone's surprise. It's not like they didn't see it coming.

What I didn't see coming was her foot connecting to the back of my kneecap. I forgot she was part of the girls' field hockey team. Yes, I'm walking around with a limp at the moment..

As punishment, her brilliant idea was to require a month of community service towards the school. She says that our actions "have cause far too much chaos in the foundation of this school and in the minds of our students."

I'm stuck swabbing lunch puke off the floor and cleaning crap and writing off the walls of bathroom stalls after school. Community service is just another fancy word for god damned detention.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September 7, 2010

She sued me!

Well, she said she was going to sue me.

Here I am, caring for her and asking if she wants something to drink as she's waking up, and she has to go and start screaming like I'm about to take out a knife and start cutting things off! Luckily my dad is always as drunk as she was last night. He didn't even bat and eyelid.

Oh but Charlie didn't feel like stopping there. She went and told the whole school that I drugged her and took her home to fool around. I didn't even touch her!

Okay, maybe a part of me wanted to take a chance, but seriously I don't stoop that low. I swear I'm not even that freaking creepy.

The only reason I took her to my house was because her back door was locked and I wasn't about to face her parents confronting me and their drunk teenage daughter. What was I supposed to do!? Leave her on the lawn like some discarded, unwanted white trash? I already did enough damage by letting her give herself a mini concussion. Come on! Those are some seriously conflicting thoughts there.

Then her parents called and asked why I lied about her sleeping over at my house. I don't know how that came up on their end because obviously Charlie didn't tell them she was drunk or that I drugged her. Now they think I'm just some creepy desperate kid and that their precious Charlie was at another friend's house. Christ, I just couldn't get a break.

Bitches be trippin'.

Monday, September 6, 2010

September 6, 2010

Is it just me or are iPods hard as shit to type on? I mean the buttons.. They're fucking impossible.

I've been MIA for a while, and let me tell you why. After coming back from an ultimately boring vacation, school has managed to kill my creative braincells one by one. I've all but forgotten about stalking Charlie girl, since she hardly comes to school anymore. I wonder where she's been... What lame ass freshman boyfriend she's giving it to under the bleachers while I'm stuck in history class, bored and contemplating where I should stick my next piece of chewed gum.

On the bright side, it's been an eventful Labor Day weekend. I went to a concert near the boardwalk by a small beach with what few new fiends I had. There's this chick, Dana. I can tell she's bad news. Piercings all over her face it seems, and she wears her curly black hair in a frohawk with the sides dyed hot pink. Her nose ring is pretty vicious though - it's in the shape of a little skull, but I think all that silver on her face really stands out against her dark brown skin. She's outrageous
and a dyke like yours truly. If I weren't so set on Charlie I think we'd have a pretty good run for about three weeks. Give or take.

I honestly don't know how I met Dana. Normally, I don't associate myself with such an eccentric type of person, so I'm assuming she's a mutual friend of Lucas's, who was the other person I went to the concert with last night. Now LuckyBear ( Lucas ) is a trip. One minute he's smiles and rainbows and the next he's clawing halfway down either your throat or his own. I swear he's two steps short of being suicidal, but when I asked his mother when they picked me up, she angrily declared that it wasn't the case. I met LuckyBear at a pool party I wasn't invited to. He tried to hit on the girl beside me but I pushed him into the pool. I can't remember why... Other than the fact that it seemed like a good idea until he and I got forced out. I guess that was a good thing, though because it turns out that he's known Charlie since childhood. Actually, the only reason the three of us were at the lame concert was because he said she'd be there.

So instead of playing Bioshock for the third time that night we dug up some of his money and decided to go. I have no idea were Dana came into things ( and I'd asked her like a million times who she was, but she didn't answer me ) she's just... there.

We did see Charlie last night, to my surprise. As the band started up - local and suckish, they looked like preteen All American Reject wannabes and sounded like it too - everybody began to dance for lack of anything else to do. This, ladies and germs, is when I decided to make my move. And this is how it went:

"Hey" I tapped Charlie's shoulder roughly, and she turned from the two guys she'd been dancing with. I gave her what I figured was my winning smile and leaned back a little - for a more suave effect.

She smiled and brushed her hair back. I frowned a little because her roots were showing much more than they had since our last encounter. " oh hey, Max!" she said, still swaying to the beat of the music.

She remembered my name!

" You wanna dance?" these words had come from her mouth, not mine, and before I could even turn my embarrassing-ass stutters into words, she grabbed my hand and soon we were jumping to the music.

After some time I didn't know where my friends had gone, but I didn't care. It felt like a fairytale, minus the corny slow dancing part. I couldn't believe Charlie was actually dancing with ME, the socially retarded, Pokemon-playing, Yugio card-trading reject. My elated grin came crashing down when she upchucked all over my new Converse sneakers.

"What the Fuck?" I screamed and backed away. I shook my shoes, shaking barf chunks all over the assholes that just stood there and watched like it was funny.

Charlie giggled. She was drunk. " you said...fuck" she snickered, then moved to lean on my shoulder.

But I stepped to the side and let her fall.


Okay, so maybe I am a jerk for reacting the way I did. I mean, Charlie was the idiot in the first place for getting so drunk at such a stupid excuse for a concert, but it's not like I couldn't have at least.. held her up or something. I seriously doubt if it's my fault that her head hit a rock as she touched down, too. I'm sure she could have aimed her fall a little bit better. What a drama queen.

The crazy thing is, it didn't end there. I don't know how long a normal person is supposed to be able to sleep, but when Charlie's hangover becomes too much for sleep in the next hour or so, I wonder how she'll react to waking up in my bed..
