Wednesday, April 28, 2010


There are three things I wish to do before I die:

• Write a song

• Raise Butterflies

•  and fuck Charlie

The first wish is pretty simple. I write a song, I become a famous one-hit wonder, and get a star role in a crappy movie or two simply for no other reason than to make more money before the flame of fame burns out.

I wish for the second because it's the most beautiful thing a person can do for this shit world. Raise butterflies. They're a like winged miniature angels sent to comfort and soothe us, given the chance. They hurt no one, and sometimes spread pollen so the world can be that much more beautiful. Some don't help the flowers, but they make things better by looking the way they do. Beautiful. Damn.

A garden full of butterflies is all I need.

The third wish...well that's an obvious one.

Everyone's fucked Charlie. Everyone except for me, that is. And I don't like to be out of the loop, you know? It's my personal goal to get into Charlie's pants and be the first girl around here to do so. She won't know what hit her.

Actually, I think I'm going to make that my first goal on the list. It shouldn't be too hard, I'm sure. That girl's as loose as my shoelaces.

And I don't have any shoelaces.


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