Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 5, 2010

Trailed her to some super secret hangout today. I thought I was finally going on some awesome covert operation type mission, but turns out she was just headed to Mr. Cock Blocker's house a couple blocks down from our neighborhood. I thought about hanging around the window, but I honestly didn't care to stick around for the sound effects.

The funny thing is, as she walked out the door this morning (We leave for the bus stop at relatively the same time. Yes, a coincidence. ) I remember her yelling to her mother about soccer practice after school. Now, I'd expected to be at the field today, and instead I'm lurking in the bushes on the other side of the street, facing enemy base camp. I wonder what her mother would say.

If I knew following someone would be so goddamn boring, I might've done something far more interesting than this today. Like maybe jump off a bridge. Truth is, people aren't really that interesting. What do we do but the same thing we've done every day? We're creatures of repetition, making little variations in our daily lives every now and then that act as a pinch to let us know we're still alive. We make up amazing adventures and scenarios in our minds so we don't feel so dead. We tell ourselves that everything is more interesting and a lot more deep and meaningful than it actually is.

Fabrications, I say. Life is boring; although occupied with the occasional breathtaking moments that we'll remember for the rest of our lives, the rest is full of shit, piss, tears, and work, work, work. I could have at least filled some time with video games. Instead I wasted an hour hiding out on the dirt behind a tree until that little jerk came back out.

There's no real reason why I still decided to stay. But I'm glad I did, because what happened next - well, let's say it was one of those kinds of moments I mentioned. One that won't soon be forgotten.

So there she was, bra strap hanging off her shoulder and peeking just below the cuff of her short sleeve. No more lipstick, and her hair was definitely in a different style than it had been before she'd arrived. It was getting pretty dark - I'm guessing it was around dinner time, so about 6 O'clock. I have no idea how long I was just sitting there. I must've fallen asleep listening to some Poke'mon theme song after discovering my precious Gameboy in the folds of my bookbag, because instead of being propped up all nice and hidden behind the leaves, I was somehow lying horizontally on the ground. Out in the open, like a passed out hobo.

Thinking back, I shudder at the thought of some kind of bug crawling up my ear...but I guess thats another topic entirely. :(

Next thing I know, I see her standing over me. I swear to God she seems an angel what with the dim sunlight shining behind her big face and all, yellow messed up hair falling over her eyes and everything. To anyone else, she'd look a hot, raggedy mess. In that moment though, as I looked through bleary, foggy eyesight, she was pretty goddamn beautiful.

She'd asked me if I was okay, and I played it off, acting like I was some drunk creeper who'd happened to take nap in the bushes. To my surprise, I guess it must have worked in some way, because she laughed. Her laugh was pretty cute, okay, I'll admit. She didn't help me up  or anything, but I didn't need help then. I'd just stood up, smiled and introduced myself.

Okay, so she already knows me. We've only been classmates this entire school year. Shuttup, Captain Obvious.

There was no real conversation, but she did compliment me on my old, beat up red canvas shoes before saying she had to go home. I played it cool, you know. Acted like I wasn't watching her thighs switch beneath her dress as she walked when she looked back. I think I pulled it off.

Either way, I'm definitely wearing these shoes tomorrow.


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