Monday, September 6, 2010

September 6, 2010

Is it just me or are iPods hard as shit to type on? I mean the buttons.. They're fucking impossible.

I've been MIA for a while, and let me tell you why. After coming back from an ultimately boring vacation, school has managed to kill my creative braincells one by one. I've all but forgotten about stalking Charlie girl, since she hardly comes to school anymore. I wonder where she's been... What lame ass freshman boyfriend she's giving it to under the bleachers while I'm stuck in history class, bored and contemplating where I should stick my next piece of chewed gum.

On the bright side, it's been an eventful Labor Day weekend. I went to a concert near the boardwalk by a small beach with what few new fiends I had. There's this chick, Dana. I can tell she's bad news. Piercings all over her face it seems, and she wears her curly black hair in a frohawk with the sides dyed hot pink. Her nose ring is pretty vicious though - it's in the shape of a little skull, but I think all that silver on her face really stands out against her dark brown skin. She's outrageous
and a dyke like yours truly. If I weren't so set on Charlie I think we'd have a pretty good run for about three weeks. Give or take.

I honestly don't know how I met Dana. Normally, I don't associate myself with such an eccentric type of person, so I'm assuming she's a mutual friend of Lucas's, who was the other person I went to the concert with last night. Now LuckyBear ( Lucas ) is a trip. One minute he's smiles and rainbows and the next he's clawing halfway down either your throat or his own. I swear he's two steps short of being suicidal, but when I asked his mother when they picked me up, she angrily declared that it wasn't the case. I met LuckyBear at a pool party I wasn't invited to. He tried to hit on the girl beside me but I pushed him into the pool. I can't remember why... Other than the fact that it seemed like a good idea until he and I got forced out. I guess that was a good thing, though because it turns out that he's known Charlie since childhood. Actually, the only reason the three of us were at the lame concert was because he said she'd be there.

So instead of playing Bioshock for the third time that night we dug up some of his money and decided to go. I have no idea were Dana came into things ( and I'd asked her like a million times who she was, but she didn't answer me ) she's just... there.

We did see Charlie last night, to my surprise. As the band started up - local and suckish, they looked like preteen All American Reject wannabes and sounded like it too - everybody began to dance for lack of anything else to do. This, ladies and germs, is when I decided to make my move. And this is how it went:

"Hey" I tapped Charlie's shoulder roughly, and she turned from the two guys she'd been dancing with. I gave her what I figured was my winning smile and leaned back a little - for a more suave effect.

She smiled and brushed her hair back. I frowned a little because her roots were showing much more than they had since our last encounter. " oh hey, Max!" she said, still swaying to the beat of the music.

She remembered my name!

" You wanna dance?" these words had come from her mouth, not mine, and before I could even turn my embarrassing-ass stutters into words, she grabbed my hand and soon we were jumping to the music.

After some time I didn't know where my friends had gone, but I didn't care. It felt like a fairytale, minus the corny slow dancing part. I couldn't believe Charlie was actually dancing with ME, the socially retarded, Pokemon-playing, Yugio card-trading reject. My elated grin came crashing down when she upchucked all over my new Converse sneakers.

"What the Fuck?" I screamed and backed away. I shook my shoes, shaking barf chunks all over the assholes that just stood there and watched like it was funny.

Charlie giggled. She was drunk. " you said...fuck" she snickered, then moved to lean on my shoulder.

But I stepped to the side and let her fall.


Okay, so maybe I am a jerk for reacting the way I did. I mean, Charlie was the idiot in the first place for getting so drunk at such a stupid excuse for a concert, but it's not like I couldn't have at least.. held her up or something. I seriously doubt if it's my fault that her head hit a rock as she touched down, too. I'm sure she could have aimed her fall a little bit better. What a drama queen.

The crazy thing is, it didn't end there. I don't know how long a normal person is supposed to be able to sleep, but when Charlie's hangover becomes too much for sleep in the next hour or so, I wonder how she'll react to waking up in my bed..


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