Sunday, May 2, 2010

May 02, 2010

Ohh yeah.. Stakeout at the cafe.

So here I am. Starbucks, with a cheap Vanilla Frappuccino in hand, and the day as amazingly bright and sunny as ever. The rays are so blinding I can see my tan skin peeling and rolling back as we speak. The only thing good about this little coffee shop?

Well I'll give you a hint: It's definitely not the overpriced, dreadfully sweetened beverages they sell with syrup, caramel, and other random condiments (+ whipped cream?) all over it. And it's not the quirky part-time cashier college chick near the door either. And the green accents on every piece of furniture in here? It's not that either.

No, it's the free wi-fi.

I mean, I'm as much against paying 5 bucks for some drink sprinkled in chocolate, but I'd be the first to buy it if it means I get to sit here on the Internet as long as I'm slowly sipping it away.

The only reason I didn't go to good ol' MickeyDee's is because Charlie isn't there. She's here. I don't think she's noticed me just yet. I let things cool for the last couple days because I guess she saw me staring at her window when I got home Friday. Hey, the blinds were closed! I had to do something to try to get them open, and my Jedi mind powers were the only thing I had to fall back on! So sue me.

I didn't get a hello either, but that's fine. Maybe I'll talk to her...tomorrow? Geeze, I don't know. Maybe I need a sign....

A butterfly outside my my window. Okay, not half bad. You've got a point little butterfly.

I've got to get things out of the way anyways. If I want to get in this chick's skinny jeans by the end of the year, there's no point in waiting any longer. It's not like I'm waiting for prom or anything.

Am I?

Nahh, I want to get a lil' , not scar her for the rest of her life. Prom night's the night for all the little girls in their pink, frilly dresses. Getting a one night stand - while probably not as uncommon as I'm suggesting - isn't exactly how someone wants to end an event like that. Let someone else do it, I guess.

Well what am I waiting for! I'll check you

I've got a Charlie to talk to.


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